Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How To Lose Weight Quick

How to lose weight quick is hard to answer in the context of sustained, healthy weight loss. The overriding consideration, no matter what our reason for wanting to lose weight, must be one of health. Bear that in mind as we discover the safest ways to lose weight quick.

Tip 1
Make sure your sleep is consistent and relaxing. Your body can never function at its best if it is steadilly being deprived of sleep. No matter how much sleeping seems lethargic and lazy, sleep is not only needed for optimum body functioning, but it even burns calories as well. Staying up beyond your bedtime really can be counter productive when it comes to trying to lose weight. An average person can burn off over 50 calories whilst sleeping.

Tip 2
One of the most important pieces of advice anyone seeking to lose weight can be given is to understand,. And live within, the capabilities of your own body. It is no good setting grandiose, over ambitious, unachievable goals, and possibly injuring your body in a vain attempt to achieve the impossible. An injured body will not be able to do exercise, not without pain anyway, so much of the potential for weight loss will be reduced. Keep within the limits that your body is capable of, and you should be able to build up a consistency which will bear fruit.

Tip 3
Be sure you understand the consequences of what you are doing. Saying that you want to lose weight is just a polite way of saying that you want to lose fat. Starvation diets allow people to lose weight fairly quickly, because the muscles are heavier than fat, and it the muscles which this kind of diet erodes. This is something which you simply cannot afford to happen, as any muscle wastage simply makes it harder for the body to exercise and shed fat in the future.

Tip 4
Train your brain to react to hunger in the right way. Over time, you become conditioned into bad eating habits, and lack of exercise, and these happen without any conscious thought. It is difficult to break these behavior patterns, and set up new ones, but you can do it if you are watchful. It is easy to get into the habit of drinking water instead of sugar laden soft drinks. Replace your candy bar snacks with pieces of fruit. These are type of improvements which, if maintained consistently, can yield dramatic benefits.

When you want to know how to lose weight quick, you can refer back here, and get the inspiration you need. Click the links below to find some great resources for weight loss.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Vital Principles Of Fat Loss

By Rob Poulos, Fat Loss & Fitness Expert & Creator of "Fat Burning Furnace"

By now, most people realize that adding lean muscle mass to your body does wonders for your metabolism and fat loss, as well as a host of other benefits that allow you to live out your life as healthy as possible.

Unfortunately, most people I see performing weight training or resistance training at the gym are spending too much time with the exercise and not working hard enough.  They're not going to burn very much fat this way. 
The secret I’ve found is that training for lean muscle and strength requires the proper application of three vital elements that are often ignored by those who attempt it.  Those three elements are:
-Volume & Frequency
The intensity is how hard it is to perform for you, given your current condition.  The volume and frequency are how much and how often you perform the exercise.  The progression is related to how much the demands increase from workout to workout.

Most times, weight training, is carried on for too long and performed too many times per week.  It is unfortunately treated much the same way as so-called fat burning aerobic exercise.  But they are vastly different forms of exercise.  In fact, they’re complete opposites.
Aerobic exercise typically is characterized by low to moderate intensity, high volume and frequency, and little progression.  Anaerobic exercise, or weight training, must be performed at a high intensity, lower volume and frequency, and with progression to be as effective as possible.

No amount of weight training performed at a low or moderate intensity will provide significant muscle or strength building benefit beyond the first few weeks.  On a high level view, it is simply the combination of sufficient intensity, coupled with attempting to increase either the number of repetitions of a weight training exercise or the amount of weight used each and every workout that will keep your body evolving into the ultimate fat burning machine!
You also have to pay attention to other details when creating an effective and efficient routine to maximize your workout and minimize your time spent in the gym.  Why?  Because perhaps even more important that the workout itself is the rest period that follows.  You’re not going to get stronger or more muscular if you don’t rest.

You see, when you strength train properly, you are creating tiny injuries to your muscles.  You then have to let the body repair itself, and then overcompensate and build upon the already existing amount of muscle mass you have.  If you workout again before that process in completed, you’ll experience lackluster, if any, muscle building or fat burning results.

So make sure to get proper rest between workouts, which typically means a minimum of 1 to 3 full days of rest between properly executed resistance workouts.
Now upon hearing the idea that you’ve got add muscle to your body to ensure the maximum fat burning environment, a lot of people, women especially, start thinking, “But I don’t want to get bigger, I want to lose weight!”  But this is such a shame, because it’s very unlikely to happen, and countless women are losing out on these fat burning benefits because of it.

You see, most men and almost all women simply lack the necessary genetic traits required to produce such muscle gains that would cause them to look bulky or overly-developed to most people.  These traits include testosterone levels, muscle fiber makeup, muscle belly length, and others.

Those competitive bodybuilders you’ve seen on TV and in the magazines are the genetic cream of the crop for muscle development and they are typically on heavy doses of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, and other bodybuilding drugs.  Don’t be fooled by these images, or those that scare you into thinking this way.  Also, lean muscle is more compact that fat, as it takes up less space in your body, so you will actually be getting smaller when replacing the fat on your body with lean muscle.

Please understand that you’re putting yourself in the best position to succeed with your fat loss and fitness goals when you perform properly conducted intense resistance training, no matter who you are.

But make sure you understand and apply the three critical principles I discussed above.  If you don’t, you’ll ultimately be unhappy with your results, both in your ability to burn fat and realize the lean, strong, and healthy body you deserve.

Click here to find out more

Burn Fat Safely And Effectively

Fat burning is usually a primary goal of herbal weight loss pills. The green tea diet is no different in that is not only recommends but requires
the use of simple exercises to be completed along with the consumption of the dietary supplements. Studies have confirmed without a shadow of a doubt
that Green Tea is a fantastic, 100 percent all natural, chemical free way to weight loss as green tea greatly increases your metabolism and in addition to that also enhances your body's natural fat burning processes. 

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a green tea diet increases metabolism and oxidizes fat, and that too without raising heart
rates. There are many ways to help people on the way to losing weight and some of the most popular quick fixes are the use of fat burner supplements
and pills. Fat burning stimulates the secretion of natural antioxidants in the body to counteract the harmful effects of free-radical oxidation caused
by anaerobic stress.

Fat cannot be spot-reduced, that is, you cannot target certain areas on your body (like the accumulation areas) with an exercise or two that works those areas. Because green tea diet has an inhibiting effect on insulin, green tea diet therefore helps keep sugar from being stored as fats and instead, send them directly into the muscles for immediate use. You need to find the perfect Green Tea dietary supplement which contains a large amount of EGCG which increases your metabolism and also your ability to burn fat through its antioxidant capabilities. 

The decision to take supplements is yours. Aside from burning calories and increasing metabolism, these diet supplements are also highly valued to
lower down cholesterol levels in a person. Similarly, the antioxidants found in super green tea diet supplements inhibit the production of insulin, the hormone that stores calories into fats. Green tea weight loss supplements are also full of anti-oxidants that cause an increase energy use in the body, thus burning more calories. 

Having a green tea diet is associated with several health benefits. One of the benefits is providing a potential cure for cancer. When you switch
over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you're all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly.

Fast weight loss tips

There is no doubt that many people try to lose weight too quickly, with dangerous crash diets. That doesn't mean that there are no legitimate methods available for speeding up your progress on a proper weight loss program. The tips in this article may well be of use to you, even if you are already succeeding in losing weight. Here are four very effective fast weight loss tips.

Tip 1
Use music as part of your exercise program. Although exercise will always be a vital part of any fast weight loss program, it is very off putting to many. Large numbers of people find just exercising, with nothing to interest their mind, boring. If you can inject something you enjoy into the routine, you are far more likely to stick at it. If you have an iPod, or other hard disc storage portable player, that will be ideal.

Tip 2
Consider yourself as the most important factor. There is great merit in so many ideas you will find in books or magazines, but they may not directly relate to your unique circumstances. Only you know what your true desire level is to lose a certain amount of weight. Only you know your own capabilities, and trying to do to much in the way of exercise can be positively dangerous. Keep your goals within the realm of possibility, and one day you may enjoy achieving them.

Tip 3
You may regard this as cheating, but it isn't really, merely using technology to your advantage. You can now get machines which tense the stomach muscles while you engage in another activity. It is no replacement for vigorous physical exercise, but it be a useful addition to it. Your body should also develop improved muscle tone as a side effect of this.

Tip 4
Do some sit ups. These exercises are scoffed at by so many, who think that are a lot of hard work for nothing. To a degree this is true, as you would have to perform a ridiculous number every day to have a noticeable effect. What sit ups can do is lessen the hunger pangs felt by someone taking in less fat. Although you are not hungry in reality, and your body is taking in enough food, you feel hungry because you are taking in less fat. Doing sit ups at the time of these hunger pangs will be effective in reducing them.

These fast weight loss tips do not involve crash dieting, and can be genuinely helpful. Click the links below to discover some useful resources, and good luck!

The Diet Solution Program
Burn the fat,feed the muscle
Xtreme Fat Loss Diet